Morvaride Derakhshane Sahand (Sahand Bright Pearl) was established on 2023/11/22 with registration number 58829 and national ID number 14012781018. The Company was established with the aim of providing organic herbal extracts with the brand name of “Bist Ghatre” and with several years of experience in the green area of ​​Liqvan and at the foot of the Sahand Mountains.

بیست قطره

Bist Ghatre Certificates

Bist Ghatre (20 Ghatre) products are always produced using high quality and health standards. These products have the “Sib Salamat” mark which is awarded by the Ministry of Health and Medicine to products that guarantee the health of consumers by complying with health and nutritional standards.

Also, Bist Ghatre have received “sanitary approval from the Food and Drug Organization”. This approval indicates the strict controls and extensive tests that have been carried out on the product to ensure its quality and safety.

In addition to the mentioned cases, Bist Ghatre have also received the “Halal Mark” from the Assembly of Islamic Countries, which is a proof of compliance with Islamic principles and laws in the production and preparation process of these products. The halal mark is especially important for Muslim consumers.

According to these approvals and certificates, Bist Ghatre products are recommended as a safe, hygienic and reliable product for daily use and are an ideal option for people who care about the health and quality of the products they are using.

Sib Salamat

Iran FDA


Food safety management


Quality management in services and products

Halal Mark

Halal World Institute